Monday, August 19, 2024

Happy Facts - Animal Edition

A lot of the content I post on the blog is animal-centered. I mean, there's a lot of cute, funny, entertaining animals out there. Normally I focus on how adorable these animals are, but today I want to focus on how cool and fascinating the animal kingdom is. Check out these cool animal facts and let me know which one is your favorite!

A group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope.

What a fitting name for the colorful insects. And, in case you're curious, a group of caterpillars (aka baby butterflies) is called an army.

Otters hold hands when they float.

Herring fish communicate by passing gas.

Baby elephants are born with little control over their trunks and they have to learn how to master it's use over time. Another fun fact - there are more than 50,000 muscles in an elephant's trunk.

Crows like to give presents.

Gifts might include rocks, bones, and lost objects.

Stay tuned for a part 2!