Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day!

 Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads and father figures out there! πŸ’•

Check out more photos of Animal Dads here:

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Nature Photography

Today is nature photography day! I live in "the natural state," so it seemed appropriate to feature some nature photography from my home state of Arkansas! πŸ‚πŸŒ²πŸƒπŸŒ³πŸ

I did a quick Google search for nature photography in Arkansas. Below are some of the photographers that caught my eye. I've linked their websites and Instagram pages below. I loved looking through their work and recognizing beautiful places that aren't that far from home. Enjoy! 

Arkansas Nature Photographers

Jeff Rose

One of the first photographers in my Google results. Lots of photos from the Ozarks!

Instagram: @thejeffrose

Josh Ramsey

Some truly vibrant photos. I recognized a few of these place right away!

Instagram: @theramseychannel


Tim Ernst

While searching for photographers to feature on this post, I noticed that quite a few expressed an admiration for Tim Ernst. So I looked him up, and I can certainly see why he's an inspiration to so many. He's published several books and has a gallery near Jasper, Arkansas.


There are many MANY more amazing nature photographers in Arkansas, I wish I had the time to feature even more. I might have to do a part 2 to this post some day so I can recognize a few more. I definitely encourage you to Google Arkansas Nature Photography. You'll find endless amazing pictures of the state.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Polish Village Covered in Paintings of Flowers

I have a new bucket list item - visit this adorable town in Poland with paintings of flowers on every building. This little town is called Zalipie. Apparently, the tradition of paiting flowers on the buildings started in the late 19th century when women would creatively paint over dirty surfaces to cover them up. It now seems practically impossible to find a surface in the town that isn't decorated with paintings of flowers. I, for one, find it quite charming!

Learn more about Zalipie here:

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Emoji Kitchen: Unicorn Edition

I love love love the emoji kitchen! It's time for another installment. Today I'm featuring some of my favorite unicorn creations from the emoji kitchen. If you'd like to play around with the emoji kitchen (and trust me, you do), follow this link:

Let me know which unicorn is your favorite! πŸ¦„


Saturday, June 8, 2024

National Best Friends Day

 It's National Best Friends Day! These cute kiddos have found some adorable animal pals. Do you have a furry friend you love? Or do you prefer friendships of the human variety?
Bunny Pal 🐰
Kid hugs 🐐
Showing off his chicken buddy πŸ”

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Dog Surfing

Introducing Dog Surfing just in time for summer. Man's best friend is a multi-talented creature. Dog surfing one of the coolest and most impressive things I've learned about lately. The first account of this sport was in the 1920s, and now it's grown so there's a whole organized championship called the World Dog Surfing Championships. The best thing about dog surfing - how happy the pups look while they're out on the water! πŸΆπŸ„