Monday, April 8, 2024

Solar Eclipse!

I'm super stoked to watch the solar eclipse today, especially since I live in the path of totality 🌞🌚 Have fun watching it yourself, and don't forget to wear appropriate eye ware! 😎

Below are a few cool websites I found with information about the solar eclipse. Be sure to check them out!

5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Solar Eclipses

This website has some really cool fun facts about Solar Eclipses. Check it out to find out what one of my new favorite works words, syzygy, means.

Earth Space Lab

This website has a really cool interactive diagram of the the Earth, Sun, and Moon. It's a great visual of how the solar eclipse happens. It's fun to play around with!

2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Obviously I had to include NASA's website! They also have a really fun interactive tool that shows how the solar eclipse works from outer space. Plus they have educational and safety information.
Don't hurt your eyes! Wear appropriate glasses if you plan to look at the eclipse 🕶

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