Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Kids' Funny New Year's Resolutions

Did you make a New Year's Resolution for 2024? Not yet? Maybe you kind find some inspiration from the resolutions these kids made! Some of them are really inspiring.

“I want to eat more candy and tacos and ice skate.” — Harper, age 5 
“Pet every doggie I can!” — Tori, age 8

An admirable goal. Good luck, kid!

“I’m going to be a ladybug!” — Sarah, age 3
“Become an adult so I can eat candy and not brush my teeth.” — Owen, age 4

I'd have a hard time with that one too

“Am I gonna have a New Year’s resolution this year? Of course not! My resolution last year was to not have any resolutions.” — Ronin, age 8

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